- Of Bavarian Brewery
- Of Bavarian Brewery
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Bavarian's Series of Pugilist Posters
Bavarian Brewing Co. created a series of posters featuring pugilists (barefisted fighters) between approximately 1955 to 1957. They consisted of reprints from lithographs originally made by Currier & Ives in the late 1800s. The brewer used these illustrations in conjunction with their promotion of Bavarian's Old Style Beer and their sponsorship of "Monday Night Fights," which was televised over a regional area in and around Cincinnati. The term pugilist, according to its Latin origins, can be divided with the first part "pugil" referring to a boxer or fighter and "ist" is related to pugnus or fist. Thus, a pugilist is a fighter / boxer using their fists. The earliest evidence of boxing begins in Egypt around 3000 B.C. Even though the contemporary use of the words boxer and pugilist are synonymous, the earlier use of the term pugilist in the second half of the 1700s and throughout the 1800s referred to the more ancient form of boxing literally with fists; not gloves. This explains why the men shown in the posters below, who were pugilists, were shown barefisted, or bareknuckled. Since pugilists competed to win a purse, or a sum of money called a prize, they were also called prizefighters.
All the posters below are cardboard. They measure 17" high by 12.5" wide, and they included a faux wood frame printed around the borders. The back of the poster had a fold out prop that allowed the posters to stand, however, they were also hung or framed.
The first two posters shown are of John Sullivan, from Boston, MA, and the other is of Paddy Ryan, an Irishman from Troy, NY, and known as the "Trojan Giant." Ryan was the proclaimed American Heavyweight Champion under the London Prize Ring Rules (bare-knuckles) after defeating Joe Goss in 1880. In 1882, Ryan lost this title to John L. Sullivan. Sullivan, who was the most famous prizefighter of his era.
The poster of Sullivan was depicted in a Bavarian's poster from a Currier and Ives lithograph published in 1883. It referred to him as the Champion Pugilist of the World - due to his victory over Ryan. As acknowledged in the bottom of the noted print, Sullivan won an1880 bareknuckles fight in Cincinnati, which was his first match outside of Boston. Sullivan would return to Cincinnati in 1885 to defeat Dominick McCaffery at Chester Driving Park (next to Spring Grove Cemetery.)
Some notable pugilists before Sullivan are the bareknuckle fighters shown in the above posters. They include John Heenan from West Troy, NY, known as the "Benicia Boy"who was touted as the Champion of the World. The other fighter was Tom Sayres, the Champion of England, know as "Johnny Bull" or the "Brighton Titch." These men fought in what was considered in the first "fight of the century" involving a "world championship." As depicted in the middle poster above, it was held in Farnborough, England, on April 17, 1860, lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes, and went 42 rounds. It caused both men to sustain numerous injuries. Interestingly, the lithograph made in America by Currier & Ives indicated the American John Heenan won. However, by other accounts, and as indicated in the poster for Sayers published by Hullmandel & Watson in England, it appears the prize money was split between the men and the fight was considered a draw.
Even though bareknuckle fighting was normally illegal, rules were drafted and governed the conduct for this type of fighting for over 100 years by the Englishman Jack Broughton in 1743. It lead to the more formal London Prize Ring Rules in 1838, revised in 1853. Several years after the Heenan and Sayres match in 1860, and possibly in response to it, the Marquess of Queensberry Rules were published n 1867, requiring gloves and were the origins of modern boxing. However, bare-knuckle fighting under the previously noted rules was still commonplace, especially in America, England and its Commonwealth, until around 1890. Apparently, the 1885 match between Sullivan and McCaffery in Cincinnati was fought under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules and may have been the inaugural Heavyweight Title of the World. However, most authorities indicate this title didn't occur until John Sullivan had his 51st fight, losing for the first time, to "Gentlemen Jim" James J. Corbet in 1892. This fight was Sullivan's last and ended his profitable career of fighting throughout the U.S., often in Madison Square Gardens in NYC, and also in a few other countries. The Marquess of Queensberry rules helped transition boxing into the modern era, and helped boxing enjoy a great deal of popularity starting in the early 1900s.
William Riedlin, who lived in Cincinnati in 1880, and became an owner of the Bavarian Brewery across from Cincinnati in Covington, KY, in 1882, likely knew of Sullivan's first Cincinnati fight in 1880. He assuredly was aware of his second visit to the Queen City in 1885. About 75 years afterwards, and a few decades after Riedlin's death, his descendants operating the brewery published this series of posters. It seems there may have been a deliberate intention of beginning the series with Sullivan, who had one of his earliest fights in Cincinnati, and may have also become the first Heavyweight Champion of the World in Cincinnati. (See the William Riedlin Family.)
In the development of the posters shown above with the pseudo wood frames for Bavarian Brewing Co., there were some earlier proofs and versions that were prepared, as displayed. The black and white proof of John Morrisey is of an additional pugilist not shown previously, but was likely made for Bavarian in a framed version. The colored image of Sullivan indicates it was for Bavarian's Old Style Beer, but was produced before the image was converted into a framed poster version.
There may be other fighting legends not included in the posters above that were also featured by Bavarian's. Should you be aware of any of these, please let us know by contacting info@bavarianbrewery.org.